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The Morgan Company


Starting a new business in the trucking industry can be a complex process. Canal's Test Drive "Pay as you Roll" approach, where you pay only for the actual miles driven, takes the guess work out of the cost of insurance.

Any trucking operation, with a DOT number, less than two years in business and operating one truck in the US is eligible. Connect your truck to Canal's Test Drive Device provided by Samsara. Your actual miles driven will be reported electronically on a monthly basis. NO paperwork on your end. The Canal Test Drive option can help you plan for the road ahead.

The device meets the requirements for electronic logging as mandated by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration and will assist with the required IFTA reporting.

Canal covers the entire cost of the Test Drive device as long as you are on the program.

Other benefits:

Never pay for idle time, pay only for miles driven

No large out of pocket startup cost

Your deposit can be applied to your renewal policy

No paperwork on your end, No monthly minimum premium

No installment fee or interest added

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